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All you need is less

How much useless possessions do you own? Items than you did not use in last 2 years? Items that you…

4 years ago

Privacy is power.

I used to share my personal photos in social media just because everyone else was doing it. After that I…

4 years ago

Writing is easier than any public speech.

I've tried to make YouTube videos but it was not successful because of my accent (mixed Russian accent) and lack…

4 years ago

You can do it. Just start without overthinking.

U can’t achieve anything new without action. But between you and goal is fear. Fear of new, fear of failure,…

4 years ago

If u don’t set your own agenda, someone else will

One of the best piece of motivation by Melinda Gates. When you don't structure your day, than someone will do…

4 years ago

Two different contexts, two different views.

Nothing could be so true as this meme. Recently I started posting various memes and my followers like it more…

4 years ago

First they tell u to be yourself, than they judge u

That's a reality of living in society. People will always judge you on base of their limitations. If you are…

4 years ago

Saudi Aramco IPO

Aramco initial public offering (IPO) raised $26 billion and became the largest IPO ever. Company's shares listed on Tadawul stock…

4 years ago

Entrepreneur vs wantrepreneur

Everyone have some brilliant (or not) ideas that could change life for better. But there's one significant problem. Without action…

4 years ago

It’s better to travel alone.

This year I went for vocation alone because husband did not want to travel at all. It was my best…

4 years ago

Quality over quantity

Buy less but high quality. You save your time, money, environment. When you surround yourself buy high quality items you…

4 years ago

The buyerarchy of needs

Use what you have already. Might sound weird but you own more than you need alreadyBorrow (rent it). Why would…

4 years ago

Avoid single use coffee & tea cups

It's so wasteful to buy coffee in single use disposable cups. Just in 10 minutes cup turns into waste and…

4 years ago

50 things to stop wasting money on

Since I became minimalist (in my understanding of minimalism) I minimized different useless purchases. Here's my top 50 items to…

4 years ago

Don’t let small things break your happiness

Happiness is easy breakable. We overthink almost every bad situation that happened to us. In result we spoil happiness of…

4 years ago

My Christmas wishes

As I'm Santa fo myself by myself, I wrote detailed list of my wishes. Hopefully Santa will be generous. Thanks,…

4 years ago

Visual clutter of packaging

I reuse and repurpose jars and other packages. But I recognize that that there's too much of logos & distraction.…

4 years ago

Brake the patterns in your life that are no longer serving you

You decide what you do in your life. Also you decide when you do. Patterns in behavior could motivate or…

4 years ago

If u aim for nothing, u’ll hit it every time

I never planed in advance until I started self employment when I've been 19 yo. Since that time I've learned…

4 years ago

Travelling is one of the best way to unplug and de-stress

I've been criticized & ashamed for desire to travel but it's my life and I do what I want. Interestingly…

4 years ago